

These resources may be used for Bible Studies or to provide helpful information for ministry teams starting new initiatives.

Community with Children and the Poor: A Guide for Congregational Study. This study provides help for churches who are seeking to implement the goals of the Bishops' Initiative on Children and Poverty. The study challenges participants to examine the life of their own congregation and to stretch their vision to look at systemic and global issues in the light of the Scriptures as informed by our Wesleyan heritage. Copies of the study may be purchased from Cokesbury online: or by calling or visiting a Cokesbury store.

End Hunger Now: A Challenge to Persons of Faith
written by Bob Dole, George McGovern and Donald Messer.
George McGovern, Bob Dole, and Donald E. Messer share their conviction that ending hunger is a religious imperative and a human priority. Writing for congregations and individuals of faith, they appeal to the biblical, theological and ethical foundations of action against hunger. Informative, inspiring, and filled with practical suggestions and discussion questions, the book encourages personal involvement and political commitment to the cause. The book is available at OR Augsburg Fortress - P.O. Box 1209 - Minneapolis MN 55440-1209 - 800-328-4648

John Wesley in the 21st Century: Set Apart for Social Witness written by John Gooch. Health care. Public education. War and peace. Science and religion. The economy. Christian social action. Spiritual growth. Twenty-first century political talking points? Hardly only that. John Wesley, an 18th century British clergyman, addressed these very issues in his own time. His creative answers may open your eyes to new responses for our own 24/7 frenzied "postmodern" concerns. This book is available from OR Upper Room - 1908 Grand Ave - P.O. Box 340004-0004 - Nashville TN 37203-0004.

A Church for All God's Children: A response to the Bishops' Initiative on Children and Poverty.
This resource invites congregations to undertake specific actions to make their churches more responsive to the needs of children and their families in the church and community. The packet contains resources (checklist, guidelines, resource list and a reporting form). This packet is available at

The Fast That I Choose: This is a Bible Study put together by the Society of St. Andrews. The study considers 6 hunger issues. It is available online OR you can contact the Society of St. Andrews at the numbers under the web sites.

Being and Doing Studies The Florida Annual Conference has put together short Bible Studies related to conference mission priorities.

Refugee and Immigration:

Outreach Ministries:

Children and Poverty:

Florida Partnership to End Childhood Hunger Ten Point Plan Ideas for Churches Informative Statistics Web site Resources Publications Conference Outreach Ministries Contact Information
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