Outreach Ministries

Conference Outreach Ministries

Outreach Ministries are a missionary extension for missions by the local congregation. The ministries challenge and confront churches to live the gospel they are called to proclaim through acts of love and grace to the least and the lost in their neighborhoods. Outreach ministries are community based and supported by local congregations who pool their human and financial resources to work together for Christ’s mission in a hurting world.

Christians Reaching Out To Society, Inc. (Atlantic Central District)
CROS engages over 100 congregations of many denominations to respond to hunger in their communities. Feeding ministries are available in the areas served. Children's camps are sponsored by supporting churches.
Contact person: Rev. Pamela Cahoon
Email: crosmin@juno.com
Phone: 561-833-9499

Church & Community Connection (East Central District)
CCC engages local congregations in being in mission in their parishes.
Contact person: Rev. Marilyn Beecher
Email: marilynrb@peoplepc.com
Phone: 407-897-7046

Community Outreach Agency (North East District) Engages with all the churches in the district to promote outreach ministries in each parish. The Agency facilitates the process with each congregation, in order to respond to persons in need. This becomes the means for relational evangelization.
Contact person: Rev. Pamela Hall
Email: OutreachUMC@bellsouth.net
Phone: 904-396-0073

Grace Place, Inc. (South West District) Is a comprehensive child care and family ministry that ministers to at-risk children and families in the Naples area.
Contact Person: Stephanie Campbell
Email: graceplacekids@earthlink.net
Phone: 239-287-5111

Halifax Urban Ministries (East Central District) HUM provides transitional housing and addressing the needs and rehabilitation of homeless and at risk persons.
Contact person: Rev. Troy Ray
Email: PeopleMatter2God@aol.com
Phone: 386-252-0156

South Central District Outreach Ministries (South Central District) Challenges local congregations to be in mission in their communities.
Contact Person: Anne Butcher
Email: AButch413@yahoo.com
Phone: 813-967-4303

South Florida Urban Ministries (South East District) Challenges partners with local congregations to develop ministries of compassion and justice be in mission throughout the South East District in their communities. Resources in leadership and vocational development are provided. Current ministry priorities are in the areas of hunger reduction, economic development, and services to children and youth. There are also youth mission opportunities for visiting mission volunteer teams as they engage with local youth of varied ethnic and cultural backgrounds.
Contact person: Brent Hursley-McLaughlin
Email: director@sflum.org
Phone: 305-442-8306

United Methodist Cooperative Ministries of Madison County (North West District) Offers a variety of services and resources for small membership churches in the area. They house the area Disaster Response depot.
Contact person: Linda Gaston
Email: umcooperative@nattally.com
Phone: 850-929-4938

United Methodist Cooperative Ministries/Suncoast, Inc. (Gulf Coast District) Seeks to express the love and compassion of Jesus Christ to persons facing dversity in their lives. UMCM provides a dozen direct services through local congregations (and helps congregations set up similar new ministries). Ministries include: a preschool for refugee and immigrant children; English classes, family literacy and after-school tutoring activities; community technology labs; family support services; hot meals for the homeless; ditty bags (personal products) for the homeless and farmworkers' children; emergency food pantries; and a variety of Church in the Community initiatives.
Contact person: Donna Ratzlaff
Email: umcoopm@verizon.net
Phone: 727-442-6881
Web site: http://umcm.info

Wesley House Family Services, Key West (South East District)
Is a provider for daycare centers across Monroe County, providing training and licensing of day care workers, as well as the coordination of foster care.
Contact person: Doug Blomberg
Email: CEO@wesleyhouse.org
Phone: 877-595-5437

Conference Refugee & Immigration Counseling-Justice for Our Neighbors (JFON)/UMCOR
Concentrates on providing assistance to persons needing immigration legal services.

For more information about Outreach Ministries, please contact:
Marilyn Beecher
1825 Diamond Drive
Orlando, FL 32130
407-207-5877 marilynrb@peoplepc.com

Florida Partnership to End Childhood Hunger Ten Point Plan Ideas for Churches Informative Statistics Web site Resources Publications Conference Outreach Ministries Contact Information
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