Congregational Transformation



Born: Nov. 4, 1940, at Atlanta, GA

Married Sept 10, 1960 to Karen Walton Taylor of East Point, GA

Brian, (2/7/64), married to Michele, living in Tampa, FL area
They have a son Jake, born 3/6/97, and a daughter Lorin born 8/15/01, Brian is an Account Review Specialist for The Hartford Insurance Company, Tampa, Michelle is an artist/painter
Brett, (3/23/66), married to Julie, living in West Palm Beach, FL area
They have a son Logan, born 1/28/93, and a daughter Hannah, born 5/19/96, Brett is a special education teacher and soccer coach, Julie is a bookkeeper


Loring and Dee Taylor of Austell, GA (Mother deceased 4/05/00)

Harris Street Elementary, East Point, GA
Russell High School, East Point, GA
Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, Bachelors of Electrical Eng., 1958-62
Candler School of Theology, Emory U., Atlanta, GA, MDiv., 1969-71

Collins Radio Company, Dallas TX, 1962-4
           Data Systems Engineer
Systems Engineering Laboratories, Ft Lauderdale, FL, 1964-8
           Computer Systems Engineer

Pastoral Record:
Midway UMC, Douglasville, GA, 1969-71
Associate, FUMC, West Palm Beach, FL, 1971-73
FUMC, Coral Springs, FL, 1973-79
Olympia Heights. UMC, Miami, FL, 1979-84
Wesley Memorial UMC, Tampa, FL, 1984-1/15/1990
Aloma UMC, Winter Park, FL, 1/15/1990-96
West Palm Beach (Broward Palm Beach) District Superintendent, 1996 - 8/31/2002
Executive Director, Office of Congregational Transformation (Extended Cabinet) 9/1/2002 -

Service in the Conference
Work Area on Missions
Committee on Church Development
Committee on Communications
Asst Conference Secretary of Journal, Reports, Rolls
Jr. High Camp Counselor
Spiritual Director, Emmaus Walk
Cabinet Member as District Superintendent
Member of Extended Cabinet as Director of Congregational Transformation

Service in the Districts
West Palm Beach - Secretary of Enlistment
West Palm Beach - DCOM
Miami - Committee on Missions and Church Extension
Miami - DCOM
Tampa - Chair of the District School of Christian Studies
Tampa - Committee on Ordained Ministry
Tampa - Communications Coordinator
Tampa - Supervising Pastor
Tampa - DCOM
Orlando - Committee on Ordained Ministry
Orlando - Supervising Pastor
Orlando - DCOM

Continuing Education Emphases
Advanced Minister's Training (Preaching With Presence)
12 Keys To An Effective Church Seminars (K Callahan)
Marcy Preaching Fellowship
Quest for Quality
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People Seminar
Contemplative Prayer - 2 month study retreat in a Monastery in 1995
Willow Creek Association Leadership Seminars, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2004
Various John Maxwell Leadership Seminars
The Family Systems Model - Edwin Friedman Seminar
The Family Systems Model - Peter Steinke Seminar
Gilbert Rendle Seminar on Change in the Church - Alban Institute
Adam Hamilton Leadership Seminars 2002
George Bullard Seminar- Demographic Research 2002, 2004
Percept Demographics Workshop 2003
Easum Small Group Seminar on Leadership 2003
Coaching - NCD/Church Smart Resources
GBOD & GBGM Schools of Congregational Development 2002, 2003, 2004
Celebrate Jesus Training 1999 -2004
Congress on Evangelism 2003, 2004

Personal Interests:
Wood working, Computers, Music, Racquet Ball, Golf, Taping a library of movies from TV

revised 8/20/04

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